Diabetes & Social Determinants of Health
The 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report has indicated that 34.2 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population, have diabetes.
The Diabetes and Social Determinants of Health Progression focuses on patients with diabetes and the impact that social determinants of health (SDOH) has on their overall care. Your pharmacy team can make a positive impact on the quality of life for your patients with diabetes through optimizing medication regimens and assisting with lifestyle changes. In turn, this makes a difference to payers and the cost of diabetes to the health care system. The progression aims to equip pharmacy staff members to identify and to close care gaps that are listed as standards of care in guidelines. The progression provides steps on how to document throughout the patient care process and implement opportunities to generate revenue related to diabetes services (e.g., immunizations, Diabetes Prevention Program, Diabetes Self-Management Education). One example of a step-wise approach to implementing these services is a diabetes checklist to assist with patient assessment and education of treatment goals, such as A1c and blood glucose measurements. The progression also provides information to identify SDOH in patients (e.g. food security, house stability, transportation access, financial stability) and reviews ways to address SDOH during the workflow process.
Source: Population Health and Social Determinants of Health in Diabetes Management

Naloxone Guidance
Opioid Disposal & Deactivation
Pharmacists' Role in Opioid Stewardship
Patient Communication & Education
Opioid Tapering
Workflow Tools
eCare Plan Documentation
Workflow Tools
Vaccine Clinic Information
Immunization Schedules
eCare Plan Documentation
Records, Registries, and Reporting
Care Team Coordination
eCare Plan Documentation
Workflow Tools
Additional Information & Resources
Patient Communication & Education
Care Team Coordination
eCare Plan Documentation
Workflow Tools
Assessing Social Determinants of Health
Community Data & Local Services
Domain 1 : Leveraging the Appointment-Based Model
Domain 2 : Improving Patient Follow Up and Monitoring
Domain 3 : Developing New Roles for Non-Pharmacist Support Staff
Domain 4 : Optimizing the Utilization of Technology and electronic Care Plans
Domain 5 : Establishing Working Relationships with other Care Team Members
Domain 6 : Developing the Business Model and Expressing Value
Click the arrows to view additional Best Practices Webinars and Change Packages. Click the image to view.
American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2021 Living Standard
Identifying Gaps in Care Video
Addressing Gaps in Care Slides
Goals and Standards of Care for Patients with Diabetes
Diabetes & Social Determinants of Health - Goals of Therapy and Medications Video
Diabetes & Social Determinants of Health - Goals of Therapy and Medications Slides
ADA “Diabetes and Heart Disease” Handout
AHA CME Course: Measuring Blood Pressure Accurately - Step 1 in Hypertension Control
Patient Communication & Education
Care Team Coordination
eCare Plan Documentation
Workflow Tools
Electronic Quality Improvement Platform for Plans & Pharmacies (EQuIPP)
Diabetes Checklist for Patient Encounters
CLIA Certificate of Waiver Application Instructions
Social Determinants of Health Tracking Chart
Diabetes Prevention Program Presentation Video
Diabetes Prevention Program Presentation Slides
Diabetes Prevention in Pharmacies: Toolkit for Planning and Implementation
CDC Rx for the National Diabetes Prevention Program: Action Guide for Community Pharmacists
The Road to Diabetes Self Management & Accreditation Presentation Video
Medicare Reimbursement for DSME
CDC’s Collaborative Practice Agreement Resource and Implementation Guide for Pharmacists
Hypoglycemia Awareness Program Guide
Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service
Assessing Social Determinants of Health
CE: Population Health and Social Determinants of Health in Diabetes Management
CE: Community Health Workers in Community-Based Pharmacy Care Delivery
Community Health Workers in Community-Based Pharmacy Care Delivery Toolkit
Population Served and DSMES Service Assessment
PRAPARE®: Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patient Assets, Risks, and Experien
The Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening