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Peer-to-Peer Best Practices

PDMP Labels

  • Word document to print Avery labels, specifically Avery 5160 Peel Address Labels.

  • The label can be put on the back of opiate prescription hard copies, so that throughout the filling process, technicians and pharmacists can document:

  • who checked the pdmp

  • what the calculated MMEs are

  • if naloxone was offered to patient and if the patient accepted naloxone

Develop Roles for Staff Members

Develop roles for each of your staff members for the first opioid change package

Pharmacy Resources for Naloxone Program Implementation

  • Kelley-Ross Pharmacy has created some great pharmacist and patient materials surrounding naloxone. Click the link to the left to view the website.

  • For implementing a naloxone program, click here to view numerous resources, including an implementation checklist for pharmacists, a blank naloxone collaborative drug therapy agreement, and FAQs 

Create Naloxone Training Resources for Pharmacy Staff

  • Moose Pharmacy created a staff training guide when the North Carolina Standing Order was signed in July 2016. 

  • Create something similar to help your pharmacy staff understand their role and talking points with patients.

Naloxone Distribution for Patients who Can't Afford Copay

  • Deborah Bowers at Yorkville Pharmacy in SC shared that many states have programs in place that you may not know about for patients to receive naloxone at no charge. She stated that in SC they also have grant funding for lock boxes and disposal bags.

  • Contact Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)​ at 1-800-54-CADCA (1-800-542-2322) and ask for your local contact person. Describe to them your efforts in the opioid epidemic and ask if they have any offerings for your pharmacy and your patients.

Dispensing Opioid Prescriptions in Bottles with Red Caps

  • North Star Pharmacy in Wyoming is dispensing opioid prescriptions in bottles with red caps to distinguish it from other prescriptions. The red caps trigger pharmacy staff to take special care with these types of prescriptions and have a meaningful conversation with the patient, along with counseling on the opioid prescription.

  • The red caps also signifies to pharmacy staff to offer Deterra bags so the patient ​can destroy any unused opioid medication.

  • Wyoming does not require red caps for opioid prescriptions unlike other states (i.e., Arizona) that do require red caps to be on opioid prescription vials. 

Pharmacy Resources for Naloxone Program Implementation

  • Jackson Center Pharmacy uses a Decision Tree for their Opioid Protocol. Click the "Decision Tree" button to view the one Alison Haas, PharmD created.
  • The tool helps them ensure each patient gets some form of counseling and education when they are receiving an opioid prescription.

  • Patients with 50 MME or more receive more intensive education and counseling with the offer of naloxone. Those patients with < 50 MME at minimum receives counseling and opioid education.

  • Documents referenced within Decision Tree:

  • Opioid Education (CDC Educational Handout): Click here​.

  • Naloxone Offering Handout (Ohio Board of Pharmacy Document): Click here.

Share a Naloxone Educational Video with Patients

  • Pete Kreckel shows patients a video about how to properly use Narcan or naloxone prior to patients leaving the pharmacy

  • The video seen in the "View Here" is a Narcan educational video that Pete shares with patients. 

Create Protocol for Opioid eCare Plan Documentation and Offering of Naloxone

  • Emma Leffler, PharmD used the first 2 opioid change packages to implement their pharmacy-specific protocol for handling Opioid prescriptions. The overview protocol can be accessed by clicking the button.
  • Emma also created 2 step-by-step documents for pharmacy staff to follow in order to document eCare Plans for different opioid-related scenarios

  • How to input opioid high-risk medication reviews in StrandRx/OmniSYS protocol: Click here

  • How to input Naloxone recommendation in Strandrx/OmniSYS protocol: Click here

Create and Post a Naloxone Flyer

  • Brooke Weber, pharmacist, created a naloxone flyer to increase patient awareness of Naloxone. 

  • Since posting this in the waiting area, they have had several patients inquire about naloxone.  Brooke said it has been a great conversation starter

Develop Non-Pharmacist Support Staff Roles at the Pharmacy

  • Develop non-pharmacist support staff roles at the pharmacy - click on the underlined text below to download the accompanying documents

  • Begin with outlining the basic pharmacy workflow (Excel spreadsheet-Surgoinsville Pharmacy suggestions)

  • Step 1: Create a document that outlines your specific store's daily duties from Open to Close (Workflow example document)

  • Step 2: Divide duties into station duties (input, packaging, check-out, etc)  and assign technicians to each station daily (Restructuring workflow document)

  • Step 3: Make a detailed workflow for each station based on the job description for each (use the restructuring workflow document).

  • Step 4: After you have done these things, assess your need for a clinical technician based on what services that you offer. This technician can be responsible for administrative tasks, creating the service, billing requirements, special certification and training requirements, policies and procedures, and scheduling.

  • Step 5: Once you have a good workflow structure, you can easily add on services and tweak the station duties to fit your needs.

  • For example, if you wanted to offer BP monitoring, the input technician could identify patients based on their profile. This can be applied to any disease state that you want to monitor. Opioid identification can be vetted by the input technician as well, or whichever station works best in your specific store. 

Customize your Pharmacy's Opioid Pledge and Implement


  • Opioid Bag Tag: Click here to download

  • Opioid Pledge Talking Points: Click here to download

  • Opioid Pledge specific to Tyson Drug Co.: Click here to download

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